If you are looking for a Sonos installation in Essex or anywhere in North East London then contact us. Get music to every room of your house from your own music library or from the internet.

Sonos installation in Essex

Here is a Picture of Sonos ZP120 our installers put in an office in Essex

The Sonos zone player is connected to the customers home network hub to distribute music around home. It can be controlled from anywhere with sonos controls. Even from an app on your phone whether it is an android or an apple. Create playlists, control volume, have different music playing in every room or have the same music but at all different volumes. If you would like you can change rooms or even have it in your garden.

Because it is wireless, no mess or worrying about outlets. And the design is modern and slick. Watch the video below to see how accessible your music can be with this type of entertainment installation




And even better, let your ipad be a controller not only for your music but for your lights, security alarm systems and any other digital media throughout your smart home.

Sonos installation in Essex or London

Sonos has been in business for over 10 years perfectly this wireless music network so you can have control over how, when and where you want your music played.

The flexibility that comes with  Sonos installation in Essex and the money you may save by being able to stream so many different music sources into your home far outweighs the initial cost of the components.

With all the streaming capabilities from:
  • Rhapsody (online music service)
  • Pandora Radio
  • SIRIUS Satellite Radio
  • Last.FM and RadioTime
  • iheartradio
  • Spotify
  • MOG (online music)
  • Spotify
  • Rdio
  • QQ Music in China
  • Amazon Cloud Player

Seemlessly integrated with your Sonos installation in Essex or London


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London Office

45 Larkswood Road
Chingford, London, E4 9DS
Tel: 020 8524 6882

Hertfordshire Office

Unit I Suite 1, Peek Business Centre,
Woodside Industrial Estate, Bishops Stortford,
Hertfordshire, CM23 5RG
Tel: 01279 656983

Essex Office

6 Newman Road,
Little Canfield Dunmow,
Essex, CM6 1GR
Tel: 01279 871777